
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Benefit of Cinnamon - Hiệu dụng của Quế


Quế ở Việt nam thuộc dòng Cinamomum loureirii Nees được tìm thấy đầu tiên ở Thanh Hóa, Nghệ An nên gọi là quế Thanh Hóa, Nghệ An. Về sau, người ta còn phát hiện thấy quế thuộc dòng Cinnamomum Loureirii Nees mọc hoang ở các vùng núi như Trà My, Tiên Phước (thuộc tỉnh Quảng Nam), Trà Bồng ( thuộc tỉnh Quảng Ngãi), Yên Bái,… Trải qua hàng trăm năm kinh nghiệm của các thầy thuốc Đông Y cũng như các nhà khoa học bây giờ đã khẳng định và công nhận cây quế mọc ở vùng Trà My, Tiên Phước tỉnh Quảng Nam là loại quế có những tính năng vượt trội hơn những loại quế ở vùng khác và được ví với cái tên rất cao quí: “ Cao sơn ngọc quế”.
Quế Trà My là loại thuốc quý được dùng nhiều trong Đông Y và Tây Y, có tác dụng kích thích làm tăng tuần hoàn máu, gây co động mạch, tăng bài tiết gây co bóp tử cung, sát trùng, chữa đau bụng, đi tả,… Quế còn được dùng làm gia vị rất quý ở các nước trên thế giới đặc biệt là người Hồi giáo và người Trung Quốc.
Ngoài khai thác vỏ là chính, quế còn cung cấp gỗ. Lá cũng có thể chưng cất lấy tinh dầu. Vỏ quế được phân ra thành 4 loại chính:
-Phần vỏ lấy từ thân cách mặt đất 0,2m-0,4m đến 1,2m gọi là quế hạ căn (ít dầu nhất).
-Từ 1,2m trở lên đến chỗ cây quế chia cành thứ nhất gọi là quế thượng châu, được xem là quế tốt nhất.
-Vỏ quế bóc ở những cành quế to gọi quế thượng biểu cũng rất tốt.
-Vỏ quế bóc ở những cành nhỏ gọi là quế chi. Tên quế chi còn dùng chỉ các cành quế con.
Vỏ quế được tạo dáng theo 04 loại cơ bản sau:
-MNK: Miền Nam quế kẹp hình số 3
-MNO: Miền Nam quế ống
-MNV: Miền Nam quế vụn
-MNC: Miền Nam quế chi
Quế Bột
Trong đó:
-MNK-A: Miền Nam quế kẹp hình số 3 cạo vỏ
-MNO-A: Miền Nam quế ống cạo vỏ
-MNV-A: Miền Nam quế vụn cạo vỏ
Quế là loại gia vị có tác dụng tốt cho sức khoẻ đặc biệt với những người mắc các bệnh liên quan đến tim mạch.
Giảm và ngừa bệnh tiểu đường
Lượng đường máu cao gây ra nhiều bệnh nguy hiểm như: tiểu đường, béo phì và các bệnh tim mạch.
Quế giúp điều chỉnh lượng đường máu bằng cách tăng cường tiêu hoá glucose, kích thích hấp thụ isulin tốt cho cơ thể.
Kết luận này dựa trên thử nghiệm với các bệnh nhân bị tiểu đường tuýp 2:
- Nhóm 1 với 30 người được dùng từ 1/4 -1 thìa quế hàng ngày trong thời gian hơn 7 tuần thì thấy số người này giảm đáng kể lượng đường máu (18-29%) , triglycerides (23-30%) và lượng LDL (7-27%).
Nhóm 2 với 30 người còn lại không dùng quế thì không thấy có gì thay đổi.
An toàn
Các nhà khoa học đã kiểm chứng về độ an toàn của quế, kết quả đã chỉ ra rằng quế có tác dụng giảm các hợp chất độc hại tiềm ẩn trong cơ thể vì thế rất an toàn cho sức khoẻ.
Chống đông máu
Quế chứa thành phần có khả năng giúp ngăn ngừa việc hình thành những cục máu đông trong thành mạch vì thế giảm nguy cơ đột tử do bệnh tim.
Kết hợp dùng quế với chế độ ăn uống và tập luyện điều độ sẽ giảm đáng kể nguy cơ mắc các bệnh liên quan đến tim mạch.
Tốt cho hệ tiêu hoá
Quế là gia vị nóng vì thế rất phù hợp với những người hay bị lạnh bụng, uống trà cho thêm chút quế và gừng sẽ rất dễ chịu.
Giảm cholesterol
Quế có chứa chất xơ và canxi kết hợp với nhau có tác dụng giảm cholesterol hiệu quả.
Quỳnh Liên
Theo GOA
Việt Báo (Theo_DanTri)
25 Health Benefits of Cinnamon - A Miraculous Spice:
Cinnamon is one of the world's oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health. It contains unique healthy and healing property comes from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant activity due to which it has numerous health benefits. Aside from being used as a medicine by other cultures since ancient times, the health benefits may also come from eating it which can be listed as follows:
1. Lowers Cholesterol:
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol.
Also Cinnamon may significantly lower LDL "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol.
2. Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes:
Several studies have shown improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control by taking as little as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day. Improving insulin resistance can help in weight control as well as decreasing the risk for heart disease.
3. Heart Disease:
Cinnamon strengthens the cardiovascular system thereby shielding the body from heart related disorders. It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provides protection against heart diseases.
Including a little cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.
4. Fights Cancer :
A study released by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
Besides, the combination of calcium and fiber found in Cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells, thus prevents colon cancer.
5. Tooth decay and mouth freshener:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. Small pieces of cinnamon can be chewed, or gargled with cinnamon water which serves as a good mouth freshener.
6. Cures Respiratory Problems:
Cinnamon is very useful home remedy for common or severe colds. A person suffering should take one tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
Cinnamon also found to cure flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.
7. Brain Tonic:
Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss.
Also, studies have shown that smelling cinnamon may boost cognitive function, memory, performance of certain tasks and increases one's alertness and concentration.
8. Infections:
Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties, it is effective on external as well as internal infections. Cinnamon has been found to be effective in fighting vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and head lice.
9. Eases menstruation cycles:
Cinnamon has also been found useful for women's health as it helps in providing relief from menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.
10. Birth Control:
Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.
11. Breastfeeding:
It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.
12. Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Cinnamon spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can be useful in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
A study conducted at Copenhagen University, where patients were given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month
13. Digestive Tonic:
Cinnamon should be added to most recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. It is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is often referred to as a digestive tonic.
14. Reduces Urinary tract infections:
People who eat cinnamon on a regular basis report a lower incidence of urinary tract infections. Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine.
15. Anti clotting Actions:
A compound found in Cinnamon called as cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. [Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make the blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much]. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets.
16. Natural Food Preserver:
When added to food, it prevents bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
17. Headaches and migraine:
Headache due to the exposure to cold wind is readily cured by applying a thin paste of powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples & forehead.
18. Pimples and Blackheads:
Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.
Also external application of paste of cinnamon powder with a few drops of fresh lemon juice over pimples & black heads would give beneficial result.
19. Thinning of the blood and improves blood circulation:
Cinnamon is a blood thinning agent which also acts to increase circulation. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body cells leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.
20. Toning of tissues:
Considerable anecdotal evidence exists to suggest that cinnamon may have the ability to tone and constrict tissues in the body.
21. Muscle and joint pain relief:
Those who eat cinnamon on a regular basis often report that their muscle and joint pain, as well as stiffness, is reduced or even eliminated.
22. Immune System:
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system, removing regular fatigue and increasing the longevity of an individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties.
23. Itching:
Paste of honey and cinnamon is often used to treat insect bites.
24. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
25. Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the healing process.
Indeed, cinnamon has several health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve one's health and boost one's immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon around. Sprinkle it in your tea or coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato and, this will do wonders to your health.
[However, there's a word of warning to be taken that over dosage of cinnamon may be unwise. Also it is not recommended for pregnant women.
Also, people who have been prescribed medication to manage their blood sugar should not reduce or discontinue their dose and take cinnamon instead, especially without consulting your doctor.]
Healthy Eating Plans - Healthy Diet (Tips and Guidelines)
You may know about the benefits of cinnamon, but what about its side effects? Here are some of the side effects of cinnamon that you need to be aware of.
Note on Identification
"Cassia" is an herb which looks and tastes like cinnamon and can be found on some store shelves labeled as cinnamon when actually it does not carry the health benefits of true "Ceylon cinnamon". The first step in using cinnamon safely is knowing what you are getting. Cassia contains higher amounts of coumarin than true cinnamon and coumarin is responsible for some of the side effects listed below.
Skin Irritation

The essential oil of cinnamon must never be applied directly to the skin. Small amounts of the diluted oil can be used for refreshment and to fight infection but the oil alone can quickly cause severe burning and irritation to exposed skin. Allergies are rare but sometimes manifest as sores.
Stomach Irritation
Those with any prior condition of the digestive system such as an ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome should be careful when eating cinnamon. Large amounts (more than 1/2 a teaspoon) may cause the lining of the stomach to become irritated.
Increased Heart Rate
Large amounts of cinnamon have been reported to increase heart rate which could be dangerous for those with a heart condition. Increased heart rate is also linked to cinnamon oil poisoning in children.
Uterine Contractions
Some traditional medicine practitioners will give a mother cinnamon in order to induce or normalize contractions. Therefore, pregnant women may want to avoid cinnamon.
Blood ThinningCinnamon may have anti-clotting properties and may cause over thinning of the blood if you are taking blood thinners. Large doses of cinnamon should also not be used before surgery, during heavy menstruation, or in any situation where a lot of bleeding may occur.
Kidney and Liver Problems
There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that people with kidney or liver problems or people who are taking drugs that are processed in the liver may want to avoid taking high doses of cinnamon due to its coumarin content. Coumarin levels are higher in cassia than in true cinnamon, but cinnamon does contain compounds that are known to be toxic to the kidneys at high doses.
Blood Sugar
People taking medication to regulate blood sugar should be careful when taking cinnamon, as it also has a powerful effect on blood sugar and the two in combination may lower blood sugar too much.
Cinnamon is a powerful antibiotic, but check with your doctor before taking cinnamon if you are taking prescription antibiotics, because it may change the way prescription antibiotics act on the body.


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